JSSTART – Current Plan JCL entry (JSCOM segment)

Use the JSSTART statement to define the common part of a JCL entry.

Table 1. Keywords for JSSTART
Keyword Description
ADID The Application name of the operation to contain the JCL.
IA The Input Arrival Time of the operation to contain the JCL.
OPNO The Operation number of the operation to contain the JCL.
JOBNAME The Job name of the operation to contain the JCL.
WSNAME The Workstation name of the operation to contain the JCL.
STATUS The status of the operation to contain the JCL.
Note: This is not the status of the JCL (JSST), because this argument might contain some different values from standard Operation Statuses.
DLM JCL delimiter. Any character string used to terminate in-stream JCL that follows the JSSTART statement. The presence of a DLM keyword indicates the immediate following line will be a line of JCL, and any subsequent lines until the character string specified in DLM is encountered on a line by itself.
MEMBER Names a member in the EQQJSPDS DD statement that contains the JCL. The JCL is copied from there into EQQTEMP for addition into the JS record.

You can specify a DD statement different from EQQJSPDS, for example MYJCL, by setting OPTIONS JSFILE(MYJCL). You can specify a DD statement different from EQQTEMP by setting OPTIONS TEMPFILE.

Note: The MEMBER keyword cannot be used with the EQQWAPL load module.