DELETE CPSIMP – Conditional predecessor

Table 1. DELETE CPSIMP – Conditional predecessor
Argument Name Description
PREADID Predecessor application name.
PREIA Predecessor input arrival date and time YYMMDDHHMM.
PREOPNO Predecessor operation number.
PROCSTEP Use it to define a step level dependency. If the step is not in a procedure, this parameter identifies the job step name, otherwise it identifies the step name in the JCL procedure. It must correspond to a step specifying the EXEC PGM= statement.
STEPNAME Use it in conjunction with PROCSTEP when defining a step level dependency, only if the step is in a procedure, to identify the procedure invocation step name.
TYPE Condition type:
To check predecessor return code
To check predecessor status
LOG Logical operator:
Greater than or equal to (TYPE=RC only)
Greater than (TYPE=RC only)
Less than or equal to (TYPE=RC only)
Less than (TYPE=RC only)
Equal to
Not equal to
Range (TYPE=RC only)
VALRC Return code value, or lower limit of a return code value range when TYPE=RC & LOG=RG
VALRC2 Upper limit of a return code value range when TYPE=RC & LOG=RG
VALST Status (TYPE=ST only)
  1. Resource CPSIMP is valid only for the DELETE request starting from HCL Workload Automation for Z version 8.5, or later.
  2. Before a DELETE CPSIMP request, always identify the occurrence, operation, or condition by using:
    • An INSERT or MODIFY CPOC request
    • An INSERT or MODIFY CPOP request
    • An INSERT or MODIFY CPCOND request