Automatic Interval generation

Use the PRSTART statement to generate a non-cyclic period that has interval dates matching the run dates of a named Application or Group.

The following additional keywords can be specified on the PRSTART statement.

Table 1. Keywords for PRSTART
Keyword Description
ADID Specifies the application name to base the interval dates on.
ADSTAT Specifies the status of the application to use:
Active (default)
ADTYPE Specifies the type of application to use:
Application (default)
IAT For applications with run cycles with multiple Input Arrival times, this identifies which set of run cycles to generate dates for. If omitted all run cycles will be used (format HHMM).
FROMDATE The date from which to generate dates (for details, see LIST GENDAYS – Generate dates from a rule).
TODATE The date to generate dates until (for details, see LIST GENDAYS – Generate dates from a rule).
VALID The date on which the application to use must be valid, in the format YYMMDD (the default is today).
DATELIST If used without ADID, this specifies a SAVELIST output from a previous command that generated a GNDAY SAVELIST to use as input to generate interval dates for the period.

If used in conjunction with ADID, GETDATES is used internally to generate run dates for that application, which are stored in the SAVELIST specified in DATELIST, and then used to generate interval dates for the period.

  1. The ability to base periods on applications is available only starting from HCL Workload Automation for Z V8.6 SPE, or later.
  2. Any period generated using an application will have only dates within the FROMDATE/TODATE range. The period will need to be regenerated when that range expires, or the Application or and prerequisites, such as referenced calendars or periods, are changed.
  3. Periods based on Applications must be non-cyclic.
  4. Do not use an application that references the period you are updating with PRSTART. The command works, but the dates will be based on the values of the period prior to the command executing, which might result in different intervals being placed in the period.
  5. You can use OPTIONS PREMPTY to control what happens when no dates are generated.