Specifying selection criteria

You specify selection criteria in the APPSEL and APPVAL sections of the buffer to limit the instances of an object that are located by HCL Workload Automation for Z. APPSEL contains a selection field name and a comparison operator that determines how the value for this field is used. You supply the field value in the APPVAL section. API object fields describes the field names and field values of each object, and the selection type of each field. There are select fields:
For a GET request with a key type of OWNER, PRED, or SUCC, you must specify these fields and the operator must be EQ to ensure that there is only one possible match. When the key type is SAME, these fields are optional.

For PUT and DEL requests, you must specify these fields. Also, the key type must be SAME and the operator EQ.

You can specify the field in the APPSEL section, but it is not required.
Not supported
You must not specify the field in the APPSEL section.

You can specify these operators in the APPSEL section:

Table 1. Operators That You Can Specify in the APPSEL Section
Operator Description
EQ or =Equal to
NE or ^=Not equal to
GT or >Greater than
LT or ˂ Less than
GE or >=Greater than or equal to
LE or ˂=Less than or equal to
GNGeneric compare