Modify CPOC arguments

When you are modifying an existing current plan occurrence, the ADID and IA arguments identify the occurrence to be modified. All remaining arguments provide the information used to modify the occurrence. The only valid values for the STATUS argument are W (Waiting) and C (Complete).

Table 1. Modify CPOC Arguments
Arg names Length Data type Description
ADID 16 Char Application description ID

Y=all operations of occurrence
monitored by an external
N=all operations of occurrence
not monitored by an external

DEADLINE 10 Char YYMMDDHHMM Deadline date and time
ERRCODE 4 Char Error code
GROUPDEF 16 Char Group definition ID
IA 10 Char YYMMDDHHMM Input arrival date and time
IANEW 10 Char YYMMDDHHMM New input arrival date and time
JCLVTAB 16 Char JCL variable table
PRIORITY 4 Integer Priority
STATUS 1 Char Occurrence status