Updating the z/OS link-library definition

If you installed HCL Workload Automation for Z in a separate load-module library, it is recommended that you define this library in the active LNKLSTnn member. Alternatively, you can define the load-module library on the STEPLIB DD statement of the started-task JCL and TSO logon procedures of HCL Workload Automation for Z dialog users.

If you installed load modules in the data set OPC.SEQQLMD0 and this data set is cataloged in the master catalog, insert this record before the last entry in the LNKLSTnn member to add this library to the link library concatenation:

If you choose not to define the HCL Workload Automation for Z load-module library in the LNKLSTnn member, you must:
  • Copy the tracker modules, EQQINIT1 and EQQSSCM1, to a library in the z/OS link-library concatenation. EQQINIT1 is used by the master-scheduler-initialization function when the z/OS system is being IPLed. EQQINIT1 then loads EQQSSCM1 into common storage. EQQSSCM1 is about 23KB and is placed above the 16MB line. Remember to copy the modules again whenever they are updated by HCL Workload Automation for Z maintenance. This is especially important for the EQQSSCM1 module, which must be at the same update level as the rest of the HCL Workload Automation for Z code.
  • Define the HCL Workload Automation for Z load-module library on a STEPLIB DD statement in the started-task JCL.
  • Define the HCL Workload Automation for Z load-module library on a STEPLIB DD statement in the TSO logon procedure of all HCL Workload Automation for Z dialog users.
  • Load the dialog module, EQQMINO1, from an APF-authorized library. If you define the HCL Workload Automation for Z load-module library on a TSO STEPLIB DD statement, and any of the other libraries defined on this DD statement are not authorized, you must copy EQQMINO1 to another library in the LNKLST concatenation so that it is loaded APF authorized. You must also remember to copy the module again whenever it is updated by HCL Workload Automation for Z maintenance.