Requesting HCL Workload Automation for Z service

Requests for HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystem services from these sources are passed to the product using the z/OS subsystem interface:
  • Event-tracking routines. These are versions of standard z/OS and JES exits that are supplied by HCL Workload Automation for Z and that invoke services by issuing the EQQEXIT macro. The EQQEXIT macro generates code to invoke HCL Workload Automation for Z services correctly.
  • TSO users running HCL Workload Automation for Z dialogs in an ISPF environment. The dialogs invoke HCL Workload Automation for Z services by calling the TSO service facility, which in turn calls the EQQMINO1 module. The EQQMINO1 module is APF-authorized and is able to use the z/OS subsystem interface to request service from HCL Workload Automation for Z.
  • The HCL Workload Automation for Z server handles requests from remote dialog users or PIF applications, or from the GUI. The requests are forwarded to the subsystem via the EQQMINO1 module, that uses the z/OS® subsystem interface.
  • The program interface, the batch loader, and the event generation program (EQQEVPGM).

Requests for HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystem services can also be made through the application programming interface (API).

As a result of calling the z/OS subsystem interface, the module EQQSSCM1 is invoked. This module is loaded during the master scheduler initialization and resides in the link pack area (LPA) or CSA, depending on whether it is loaded from SYS1.LPALIB or SYS1.LINKLIB. The EQQSSCM1 routine provides the interface to the HCL Workload Automation for Z address space.

If the service requester is an event-tracking routine, the EQQSSCM1 module is called once for each HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystem that is defined. If the service requester is an HCL Workload Automation for Z dialog, the EQQSSCM1 module is called only for one specific subsystem determined by the subsystem name that the TSO user has defined in the dialog initialization panel.

If EQQSSCM1 is called for a job-tracking event, an exit event record is built and added to an HCL Workload Automation for Z queue that is serviced by the event writer (EW) subtask. (This subtask is described in Event writer (EW). The job-tracking caller does not wait for service from the event writer. Instead, the job-tracking caller returns after updating the EW queue.

If EQQSSCM1 is called for a dialog service request, an entry is added to an HCL Workload Automation for Z queue that is serviced by the general service (GS) subtask. (This subtask is described in General service (GS).) If a GS subtask is active, the request is dequeued and processed. The dialog user caller waits for service from the GS subtask. When the service is performed, the GS subtask posts the waiting dialog. The EQQSSCM1 module then returns to EQQMINO1, which in turn returns to the HCL Workload Automation for Z dialog.