Information needed for all problems

Even when you are unable to identify a problem type, you should gather the following information for any problem you have. Begin your initial problem analysis by examining the contents of the message log data set. Record relevant information on a copy of the HCL Workload Automation for Z problem description sheet provided in Problem description sheet.
  1. Obtain a copy of the HCL Workload Automation for Z message log. This is a sequential data set defined by the EQQMLOG ddname.
  2. Record the HCL Workload Automation for Z component ID: 5698-T08. The component ID should be the first keyword in the string preceding the problem type and other modifier keywords.
  3. Record the maintenance level for all operating environments, particularly those for z/OS, JES, ISPF, and RACF®.
  4. Document any additional program temporary fixes (PTFs) or APARs that have been applied to your level of HCL Workload Automation for Z.
  5. If the problem is within the network communication function, obtain copies of the HCL Workload Automation for Z EQQDUMP file.
  6. Obtain copies of the HCL Workload Automation for Z diagnostic files defined to the user address space and to the subsystem address space by SYSMDUMP.
  7. Obtain a copy of the system log.
  8. If the problem involves end-to-end scheduling, obtain a copy of the work directory in the following way:
    1. Identify the work directory. To do this, read in the configuration parameter the value of the WRKDIR keyword of the TOPOLOGY statement.
    2. Create a tar file of the work directory. To do this:
      1. Logon on a USS shell (using OMVS or telnet).
      2. Assure that you are running with uid 0 (use the id command to see your uid). If you are authorized to the BPX.SUPERUSER RACF® facility class, issue the su command to obtain uid 0.
      3. Create the tar file by entering this command:
        tar cvzf tarfilename workdirectory
    3. Collect TWSIN and TWSOU.
    4. Collect the topology information in the PARMLIB library (DD name EQQPARM).
  9. Reconstruct the sequence of events leading to the problem. Include any commands entered just before the problem occurred.
    Write down the exact events that lead to the problem:
    1. What was the first indication of the problem?
    2. What were you trying to do?
    3. What should have happened?
    4. What did happen?
    5. Can you re-create the problem?
  10. Specify any unique information about the problem or about your system:
    1. Indicate any other applications that were running when the problem occurred.
    2. Describe how HCL Workload Automation for Z was started.
    3. Describe all user modifications to active HCL Workload Automation for Z programs.

For information about diagnosing problems with the APPC subtask, see APPC (PP).