Interface to the exit

When the exit is entered, register 1 contains the address of the parameter list. Each address in this list is used to locate the parameter value. These parameters are passed to the exit:

EQQUX014 parameters

MCAUSERF  DS  A     (User field)                                     
TABPTR    DS  A     (Criteria table address)                         
NUMROW    DS  F     (Number of rows of the criteria file)            
RECSIZE   DS  F     (Criteria file record size)                      
ADID      DS  CL16  (Operation application name)                     
IATIME    DS  CL10  (Operation input arrival time, format YYMMDDHHSS)
WSNAME    DS  CL4   (Operation workstation name)                     
JOBNAME   DS  CL8   (Operation job name)                             
OPNUM     DS  F     (Operation number)                               
TOFFS     DS  F     (Offset to be added  to, or subtracted from, the 
                     operation start time)                           
RCODE     DS  F     (Return code)                                    
OPRPTR    DS  A     (Operation pointer)
OCCPR     DS  A     (Occurrence pointer - data extract)
USRFAREA  DS  A     (User field area)
USRNFD    DS  A     (Number of user fields)
User field that is also passed to the EQQUX000 exit. The scheduler for z/OS® does not use or update this field.
User field containing the address of the criteria table used by this exit. It is not allocated by the scheduler. The exit must return a value that is stored in controller storage and passed back to the exit at each new call. According to the provided sample, the first time the exit is called TABPTR must be set to zero, next times it contains the address of the criteria table to be used by the exit.
User field containing the number of rows of the input criteria file. The first time the exit is called, the exit must set and return this value, that is stored in controller storage and passed back to the exit at each new call.
User field containing the record size of the input criteria file. The first time the exit is called, the exit must set and return this value, that is stored in controller storage and passed back to the exit at each new call.
Name of the application that the job becoming ready is part of.
Input arrival time of the job becoming ready.
The name of the workstation defined for the job becoming ready.
Name of the job becoming ready.
Operation number of the job becoming ready.
Sign and value of the offset expressed in minutes, to be added to the job start time. This parameter is used by the Workstation Analyzer task, to decide whether the operation can be started or not. The controller uses the returned offset to update the job start time only. The process leaves unchanged the latest start time.

Sample member EQQUX014 uses a criteria table to calculate this offset, however you can set it using a different method.

Return code set by the exit. A value different from 0 indicates that the scheduler deactivated the exit.
Pointer to the area showing the CP3P operation record copy.
Pointer to the area showing the following information from the occurrence:
X14OCCarea    based      DSECT
 X14OCCEYEC   Char(2)    Eyecatcher of OCC area: 'OC' or 'OD' 
 X14OCCADDO   Char(1)    How added:  (CPLADDOC or OCCADOC)
 *            Char(1)    Reserved alignment
 X14OCCADID   Char(16)   ADID        (CPLADIOC or OCCADID)
 X14OCCOWTX   Char(24)   Owner descr (CPLOTXOC or OCCOWTXT) 
 X14OCCST     Char(1)    Status      (CPLSTAOC or OCCST)
 *            Char(3)    Reserved alignment
Note: For X14OCCEYEC the value can be either of the following:
Area updated from the CP3C record read by the CPxx data set.
Area updated from the OCC internal data in storage (new CP3C record not yet formatted for writing).
Pointer to the user field area, if any, or zero.
Number of existing user fields, if any, or zero.