Interface to the exit

The operation-status-change exit is invoked in task mode, problem state, and key 8 and the job-step task is APF-authorized. The active task runs with the same access authority as the job-step task. The exit must restore this state before returning to its caller.

Control is passed to the exit using the BAL instruction. The exit must return to its caller using the address and addressing mode passed to it in general register 14.

The exit is entered in AMODE 31 but must switch to AMODE 24 before performing any input or output operations, and then switch back to AMODE 31 before returning to the caller.

When the exit is entered, register 1 contains the address of the parameter list. Each address in this list is used to locate the parameter value. The following parameters are passed to the exit:

EQQUX007 parameters

 NEWSTAT   DS   CL1   (New operation status)
 OLDSTAT   DS   CL1   (Old operation status)
 OPNUM     DS   H     (Operation number)
 CALLER    DS   CL4   (Caller identification)
 ERRCODE   DS   CL4   (Error code)
 WSNAME    DS   CL4   (Workstation name)
 ADNAME    DS   CL16  (Application name)
 OWNER     DS   CL16  (Application owner name)
 GROUP     DS   CL8   (Authority group name)
 JOBAREA   DS   A     (Address of job-related data)
 OPERAREA  DS   A     (Address of operation-related data)
 USRAREA   DS   A     (User-defined field)
 EXSTAT    DS   CL1   (Operation extended status)
OCCPTR    DS   A     (Address of occurrence data)
 OPRPTR    DS   A     (Address of operation data)
 UFNUM     DS   F     (Number of user fields)
 UFPTR     DS   A     (User fields area address)
New status for the current operation:
Arrived at the workstation
Ended with errors
Ready for processing
Ready for processing (predecessor at nonreporting workstation complete)
Active (started)
Previous status for the current operation. The same values are possible as for the new status, plus blank. Blank means that the operation has been added to the current plan by a function other than by daily-planning jobs. No call is made to EQQUX007 when operations are added by daily-planning jobs.
Number of the current operation.
Function within HCL Workload Automation for Z that called the exit:
Automatic-recovery task
Event-manager task
General-service task, but not modify-current-plan
Modify-current-plan function in the general-service task
Normal-mode-manager task
Workstation-analyzer task
Error code for the current operation, if the new status is E.
Name of the workstation where the current operation is active or will become active.
Application name for the current operation.
Name of the owner of the current application.
Name of the authority group that the current operation belongs to.
Address of an area that contains information about the status changes related to a specific job. The job-related area is mapped as follows:
JOBNAME  DS  CL8  (Job name)
JOBNUM   DS  CL8  (Job number)
DATE     DS  CL8  (Current date, format YY/MM/DD)
JOBSTART DS  CL8  (Job start time, format HH.MM.SS)
JOBEND   DS  CL8  (Job end time, format HH.MM.SS)
STEPNAME DS  CL8  (Step name)
ABCODE   DS  CL4  (System abend code, format Shhh)
USRCODE  DS  CL5  (User abend code, format Uhhh)
ORIGNJE  DS  CL8  (Name of origin NJE node)
PSTEPNAM DS  CL8  (Procedure step name)

The status is changed to S (started). The JOBNUM value can change only if the operation is rerun. JOBSTART is present when the new status at automatically reporting computer and printer workstations is S (started), C (complete), E (ended-in-error), or I (interrupted). JOBEND is present when the new status at one of these workstations is C or E.

STEPNAME, PSTEPNAM, ABCODE, and USRCODE are present only for jobs that have abended during running. ORIGNJE is present for processing operations when the new status is C or E.

When the status of an operation is changed from C or E to S, C, E, or I, certain JOBAREA fields are set to their previous values for that operation.

Fields in the job-related area are blank if information is not available when the exit is called.

Address of an area that contains information about the operation whose status is being changed. This area is mapped as follows:
OPERTEXT DS CL24 (Operation description)
APPLIA    DS CL10 (Application input arrival,format YYMMDDHHMM)
OPERIA    DS CL10 (Operation input arrival, format YYMMDDHHMM) 
PSTART    DS CL10 (Planned start, format YYMMDDHHMM)           
PLEND     DS CL10 (Planned end, format YYMMDDHHMM)             
DEADLINE  DS CL10 (Operation deadline, format YYMMDDHHMM) 
USERDAT   DS CL16 (User data field)
RSPRES    DS CL1  (Y=there is reason data, N=no reason data)
RSERR     DS CL4  (The error code set by the dialog user)
RSUSER    DS CL16 (The user data from the dialog: this is
*                  the same as USERDAT at entry to exit)
RSREASN   DS CL300(The dialog 'reason for restart' data)
RSPANEL   DS CL8  (The panel where the restart was initiated)
XJNAME    DS CL54 (Job extended name)
SAWS     DS CL1  (New automation work station)     
User field that is also passed to the EQQUX000 exit. It contains valid data only if you have an EQQUX000 exit that places some data in it. HCL Workload Automation for Z does not use or update this field.
Extended status code of the operation. For a list of the valid codes, see Status, error, and reason codes.

For performance reasons, user exit EQQUX007 does not currently provide the extended status 'X' (waiting for resource). A new value, 'Z', valid for all current status codes and types of workstation, has been added to signal that an error has occurred in the DOA updating process. In this case, message EQQE106I is issued in EQQMLOG.

Address of the common data of record CPLREC3C.
Address of the common data of record CPLREC3P.
Number of user field records in USRFAREA.
Address of the user field area, in a format as in the following example:
USRFNAME DS   CL16         (User field name)
USRFVAL  DS   CL54         (User field value)