Interface to the exit

The system automation exit is invoked in task mode, problem state, and key 8. The job-step task is APF-authorized. The active task runs with the same access authority as the job-step task. The exit must restore this state before returning to the caller.

Control is passed to the exit using the BAL instruction. The exit must return to the caller using the address and addressing mode passed to it in general register 14.

The exit is entered in AMODE 31 but must be switched to AMODE 24 before any input or output operation is performed. Before the exit returns to the caller, switch it back to AMODE 31.

When the exit is entered, register 1 contains the address of the parameter list. Each address in this list is used to locate the parameter value. The following parameters are passed to the exit:

EQQUXSAZ parameters

 ADNAME    DS   CL16  (Application name)
 WSNAME    DS   CL4   (Workstation name)
 WSDEST    DS   CL8   (Workstation destination name or NetView domain)
 JOBNAME   DS   CL8   (Operation job name)
 IA        DS   CL10  (Input Arrival date and time, format YYMMDDHHMM)
 OPNUM     DS   H     (Operation number)
 COMMTEXT  DS   CL255 (SA command text)
 COMPINFO  DS   CL64  (SA completion information)
 AUTFUNC   DS   CL8   (SA automated function for operation)
 SECELEM   DS   CL8   (SA security element)
 OWNER     DS   CL16  (Application owner name)
 RETCODE   DS   F     (Return code)
Application name for the current operation.
Workstation name for the current operation
User-defined workstation destination or destination NetView® domain.
Job name defined for the current operation.
Input arrival date and time for the current operation, in the format YYMMDDHHMM.
Operation number for the current operation.
Text of the command to be routed to System Automation. It is free format and can contain HCL Workload Automation for Z variables that are replaced before the command is passed to System Automation for z/OS®. If an error occurs during this phase, the operation is set to E with code OJCV. No syntax checking on text content is performed on the HCL Workload Automation for Z side.
Completion information. You can optionally specify the following information, in the following order, separated by a comma:
  • The maximum wait time, in the format hh:mm:ss. If specified, System Automation for z/OS® waits for the completion of the command for the specified time interval. If the command does not complete, System Automation for z/OS® posts the operation in error.
  • The maximum return code accepted as successful execution. You can specify the name of an optional user-supplied completion checking routine. The completion checking routine ensures that the command achieved the expected results, before posting the operation as complete.
Automated function (for operation). This parameter is optional. If specified, the command is run on the NetView® task associated with this automated function in System Automation for z/OS®. You can use this parameter to serialize commands. If this parameter is not specified, the command is run by any available NetView® tasks.
Security element. It is an optional parameter used for security tracking of the operation. You can use it in alternative or together with the job name, for security validation of the operation on the System Automation for z/OS® side.
Name of the owner of the current operation.
Maximum return code from the exit. The default is 0 (normal return, HCL Workload Automation for Z processing continues). For a complete list, see the Messages and Codes manual.
Note: For the command text string (COMMTEXT), any text case is allowed. The value specified in COMPINFO, AUTOPER, and SECELEM is automatically changed to uppercase by HCL Workload Automation for Z.