Interface to the exit

The job-tailoring prevention exit is invoked in task mode, problem state, and key 8 and the job-step task is APF-authorized. The active task runs with the same access authority as the job-step task. The exit must restore this state before returning to its caller.

HCL Workload Automation for Z invokes the exit in the addressing mode defined by the load module’s AMODE attribute, that is 31 bit addressing mode, therefore the job stream passed to the exit resides above the 16M line.

Control is passed to the exit using the BASSM instruction. The exit must return to its caller using the address passed to it in general register 14. The exit can return in any addressing mode.

When the exit is entered, register 1 contains the address of the parameter list. Each address in this list is used to locate the parameter value. These parameters are passed to the exit:

EQQUX013 parameters

JOBNAME  DS CL8 (Job name)                                      
JCLLEN   DS F (Size, in bytes, of current job stream)           
JCLAREA  DS n * CL80 (All records in job stream)                
LATEOUT  DS CL10     (Latest start, format YYMMDDHHMM)          
ESTDUR   DS CL4      (Estimated duration, format HHMM)          
NUMPS    DS H        (Number of parallel servers required)      
NUMR1    DS H        (Amount required of workstation resource 1)  
NUMR2    DS H        (Amount required of workstation resource 2)  
SPECRES  DS CL8      (First 8 characters of first sr name)      
ADID     DS CL16     (Name of current application)              
MCAUSERF DS A        (User field)                               
GROUP    DS CL8      (Name of current authority group)          
RUSER    DS CL8      (Name of RACF user submitting the job)     
OPERTYPE DS CL1      (J or S, for job or started task)          
UPDAT    DS C        (Y or N, defines job origin)               
JCLUSER  DS CL8      (Last user updating this job)              
JCLUTIME DS CL10     (Time or last update, format YYMMDDHHMM)   
OPNUM    DS F        (Operation number)                         
IATIME   DS CL10     (Occurrence input-arrival time, YYMMDDHHMM)  
OWNER    DS CL16     (Application owner name)                    
SPECNR   DS H        (Number of special resources)              
SPECBUF  DS A        (Special resource buffer)                  
WSNAME   DS CL4      (Operation workstation name)               
XINFO    DS A        (Extended information address)             
XJNAMLEN DS F        (Extended job name length)                 
WSCHENV  DS CL 16    (Scheduling Environment Name)              
CLEANUPT DS CL 1     (Clean-up type)                            
RETCO    DS CL4      (Operation error code)  
  1. To allow more flexibility in determining the jobs that are not to be tailored with the //TIVDSTxx OUTPUT statements, the JCL of the job being submitted is provided as input to this exit. However, to work successfully, the exit must not modify this JCL.
  2. A job is not tailored for data store processing, if the EQQUX013 exit returns a return code 0012 to the Work Station Analyzer.
Name of the job that is about to be submitted.
Size, in bytes, of the job.
JCL records in the job.
The latest-start-time value that HCL Workload Automation for Z has calculated for the job.
The estimated duration of this job
The number of parallel servers required
The amount of workstation resource 1 required
The amount of workstation resource 2 required
The first 8 characters of the special resource name
Name of the application of which the job is part.
A user field that is also passed to the EQQUX000 exit. HCL Workload Automation for Z does not use the MCAUSERF field.
The name of the RACF® user that owns the job
Has the value J for job or S for started task.
Has the value Y if the current job was retrieved from the EQQJSnDS data set. In all other cases, UPDAT has the value N.
The name of the authority group that the current operation belongs to
Name of the last TSO user who updated the current job. This parameter is meaningful only if UPDAT is Y.
The date and time of the last update to the current job. This parameter is meaningful only if UPDAT is Y.
Operation number of the operation representing this job
Input-arrival time of the application occurrence to which this job belongs
The name of the owner of the current application
The number of special resource names in SPECBUF
An address to a buffer that contains a number of 64-byte fields. The number of 64-byte fields in the buffer is indicated by SPECNR. The first 44 bytes of each field contain the name of the special resource. The last 2 bytes of each field are reserved for future use.
Name of the operation workstation.
The address of the data specified in the Extended Info field o the Current Plan for the corresponding operation. If its value is 0, no extended information is available in the current plan.
The length that you specify in the Operation Extended Name field of the Current Plan for the corresponding operation. It is a sub-field of the extended information available in the current plan.
The scheduling environment name currently stored in the CP operation record. This value can be modified by the exit.
Name of a field that is used by the user exit to prevent the jobs from being tailored with the //TIVDSTxx OUTPUT statements to generate additional copies of the JESDS data sets for data store processing.