Operation-status-change exit (User Exit 7)

The operation-status-change exit (User Exit 7) is called whenever an operation in the current plan changes status. The exit is also called when a new operation is added to the current plan by a function other than by daily planning jobs, for example by PIF or the MCP dialog. The exit is called when the operation is added either to an existing occurrence or as a result of a new occurrence added to the current plan. The User Exit 7 is not called for operations that are added at daily planning. The exit can be used to modify the USERDAT field of the OPERAREA parameter. The exit cannot modify other parameters passed to it or other HCL Workload Automation for Z data or resources. It can examine the parameters and take some action external to HCL Workload Automation for Z based on the parameter information.

HCL Workload Automation for Z invokes the User Exit 7 in AMODE 31 and RMODE 24.

You can use User Exit 7 to:

Editing the exit

User Exit 7 includes the header file exit7.h, which contains the following routine:
void updateOperUsrdat(char *newUsrDat[], struct exit7struct *params)
To update the User Text field of the occurrence with the string newUsrDat. The newUsrDat input must end with the end-of-text character \0, which corresponds to byte 0, and can be up to 16 characters excluding the end-of-text character. The params input is the same as the input passed to the routine exit7do.
The header contains also the struct exit7Struct structure, which is provided as an input to the routine exit7do. Each string in the data structure is expanded by 1 character to reserve space for the end-of-text character \0, which corresponds to byte 0.

User Exit 7 parameters

User Exit 7 has the following structure:
struct exit7Struct{
  char newStat;
  char oldStat;
  short int opNum;
  char caller[CALLER_LEN+1];
  char errCode[ERRCODE_LEN+1];
  char wsName[WSNAME_LEN+1];
  char adName[ADNAME_LEN+1];
  char owner[OWNER_LEN+1];
  char group[GROUP_LEN+1];
  struct jobAreaStruct jobArea;
  struct operAreaStruct operArea;
  void *mcaUserF;
  char extStat;
  void *occPtr;
  void *oprPtr;
  int usrFNr;
  void *usrFArea;
} ;
#define OPNUM_LEN 5
#define CALLER_LEN 4
#define ERRCODE_LEN 4
#define WSNAME_LEN 4
#define ADNAME_LEN 16 
#define OWNER_LEN 16
#define GROUP_LEN 8
New status of the current operation:
Ready for processing (predecessor at nonreporting workstation complete)
Arrived at the workstation
Ended with errors
Ready for processing
Active (started)
Previous status of the current operation:
The operation was added to the current plan by a function other than a daily-planning job. No call is made to User Exit 7 when operations are added to CP by daily-planning jobs.
Ready for processing (predecessor at nonreporting workstation complete)
Arrived at the workstation
Ended with errors
Ready for processing
Active (started)
Number of the current operation.
Function within HCL Workload Automation for Z that called the exit:
Automatic-recovery task
Event-manager task
General-service task, but not modify-current-plan
Modify-current-plan function in the general-service task
Normal-mode-manager task
Workstation-analyzer task
Error code of the current operation, if the new status is E.
Name of the workstation where the current operation is active or will become active.
Application name for the current operation.
Name of the owner of the current application.
Name of the authority group to which the current operation belongs.
Sub-structure containing information about the status changes related to a specific job. The job-related area is mapped as follows:
struct jobAreaStruct{
  char jobName[JOBNAME_LEN+1]; //job name
  char jobNum[JOBNUM_LEN+1]; //job number
  char jobDate[JOBDATE_LEN+1]; //current date
  char jobStart[JOBSTART_LEN+1]; //start time
  char jobEnd[JOBEND_LEN+1]; //end time
  char jobStep[JOBSTEP_LEN+1]; //step name
  char jobAbSys[JOBABSYS_LEN+1]; //system abend code
  char jobAbUsr[JOBABUSR_LEN+1]; //user abend code
  char jobONJEN[JOBONJEN_LEN+1]; //origin nje node
  char jobPStep[JOBPSTEP_LEN+1]; //proc step name
} ;
#define JOBNAME_LEN 8
#define JOBNUM_LEN 8 
#define JOBDATE_LEN 8 
#define JOBSTART_LEN 8 
#define JOBEND_LEN 8 
#define JOBSTEP_LEN 8 
#define JOBABSYS_LEN 8 
#define JOBABUSR_LEN 8 
#define JOBONJEN_LEN 8 
#define JOBPSTEP_LEN 8

The JOBNAME and JOBDATE parameters are always present for status changes at automatically reporting computer and printer workstations. JOBNUM is present when an operation at automatically reporting computer and printer workstations changes its status from S to C. When the job is submitted by a fault-tolerant workstation, the first three characters of the JOBNUM value are set to UNX by HCL Workload Automation for Z.

The status is changed to S (Started). The JOBNUM value can change only if the operation is rerun. JOBSTART is present when the new status at automatically reporting computer and printer workstations is S (Started), C (Complete), E (Ended-in-error), or I (Interrupted). JOBEND is present when the new status at one of these workstations is C or E.

JOBSTEP, JOBPSTEP, JOBABSYS, and JOBABUSR are present only for jobs that have abended during running. JOBONJEN is present for processing operations when the new status is C or E. When the status of an operation is changed from C or E to S, C, E, or I, certain JOBAREA fields are set to their previous values for that operation. Fields in the job-related area are blank if information is not available when the exit is called.

Sub-structure containing information about the operation whose status is being changed. It is mapped as follows:
struct operAreaStruct{
  char opText[OPTEXT_LEN+1]; //oper user data
  char opIA[OPIA_LEN+1]; //occ input arrival
  char opOpIA[OPOPIA_LEN+1]; //oper input arrival
  char opStartD[OPSTARTD_LEN+1]; //oper planned start date
  char opStartT[OPSTARTT_LEN+1]; //oper planned start HHMM
  char opEndD[OPENDD_LEN+1]; //oper planned end date
  char opEndT[OPENDT_LEN+1]; //oper planned end HHMM
  char opDl[OPDL_LEN+1]; //oper deadline
  char *opUsrDat; //oper user data pointer (16 bytes)
  char opRsPresent; //Y=reason exist
  char opRsErr[OPRSERR_LEN+1]; //err code set by user
  char opRsUsr[OPRSUSR_LEN+1]; //user data field from dialaog
  char opRsReason[OPRSREASON_LEN+1]; //reason
  char opRsPanel[OPRSPANEL_LEN+1]; //panel where set
  char opJName[OPJNAME_LEN+1]; //extended job name
  char opSaWS; //new automation ws
} ;
#define OPTEXT_LEN 24
#define OPIA_LEN 10
#define OPOPIA_LEN 10
#define OPSTARTD_LEN 6
#define OPSTARTT_LEN 4
#define OPENDD_LEN 6
#define OPENDT_LEN 4
#define OPDL_LEN 10
#define OPUSRDAT_LEN 16
#define OPRSERR_LEN 4
#define OPRSUSR_LEN 16
#define OPRSREASON_LEN 300
#define OPJNAME_LEN 54
User field that is also passed to the User Exit 0. It contains valid data only if you have a User Exit 0 exit that places some data in it. HCL Workload Automation for Z does not use or update this field.
Extended status code of the operation. For a list of the valid codes, see . For performance reasons, user exit 7 does not currently provide the extended status X (waiting for resource). A new value, Z, valid for all current status codes and types of workstation, has been added to signal that an error has occurred in the DOA updating process. In this case, message EQQE106I is issued in EQQMLOG.
Address of the common data of record CPLREC3C.
Address of the common data of record CPLREC3P.
Number of user field records in USRFAREA.
Address of the user field area, in a format as in the following example:
USRFNAME DS   CL16         (User field name)
USRFVAL  DS   CL54         (User field value)