Secondary-center options

The secondary center determines how quickly you can get an HCL Workload Automation for Z environment active:
Hot backup
A secondary data center already operational and available for immediate switch-over
Warm backup
A secondary data center, possibly operational, available for switch-over after some delay (measured in hours or days)
Cold backup
A secondary data center with little or no equipment installed
A secondary data center or cold site shared by several users (or subscribers).
The distance between the centers is often the determining factor in your installation's choice of communication options. Data must be brought regularly to the secondary data center from the primary data center to provide disaster backup and recovery. This can be done by:
  • Physical transportation of data on media (tape, paper)
  • Telecommunication lines
  • Channel-to-channel connections
  • Fiber-optic channel extenders.

If you have shared DASD with the secondary center either through channel-to-channel connectors or fiber-optic channel extenders, you can recover HCL Workload Automation for Z to point-of-failure by using the dual job-tracking facilities of HCL Workload Automation for Z.

Unless your secondary center is a hot backup that exactly mirrors your primary data center, you must identify the HCL Workload Automation for Z configuration needed to support the environment. With your system programmer, identify the HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystems required.