EQQUSINT parameters

The calling program must pass all these parameters to the subroutine. Initialize RETCODE to zero in the call; it is set by EQQUSINT in the return.

EQQUSINT parameters
 TYPE      DS   CL1    (Event type)
 WSNAME    DS   CL4    (Workstation name)
 JOBNAME   DS   CL8    (Job name)
 ADID      DS   CL16   (Name of current application)
 OPNUM     DS   H      (Operation number)
 OCIA      DS   CL10   (Input arrival of current occurrence, YYMMDDHHMM)
 OPDUR     DS   CL4    (Operation duration, HHMM)
 OPERR     DS   CL4    (Error code)
 FORM      DS   CL8    (SYSOUT form number)
 SCLASS    DS   CL1    (SYSOUT class)
 SUBSYS    DS   CL4    (Subsystem name)
 EVTIME    DS   F      (Event time, 100*secs)
 EVDATE    DS   CL4    (Event date, 0nYYDDDF)
 RETCODE   DS   F      (EQQUSINT return code)
Defines the reason that EQQUSINT is called. The following values are valid:
Set the status of the operation to complete.
Set the status of the operation to ended-in-error.
Set the status of the operation to interrupted.
Set the extended status of a started operation to Q to indicate that the operation is queued awaiting execution.
Set the status of the operation to started.
Set the extended status of a started operation to S to indicate that the operation is executing.
Reset the current status for this operation.
Name of the workstation.
Name of the job that an event is being reported for.
Name of the current application.
Number, in hexadecimal format, of the current operation. You can specify 0000 or a number in the range 0001 to 00FF (decimal 1 to 255).
Input arrival date and time of the current occurrence.
Duration, in hours and minutes, of an operation that is reported as complete. The operation duration cannot be 0000. If you set it to 0000 (0 hours, 0 minutes), a default duration value of 1 minute is used instead.
Error code for an operation that is reported as ended-in-error.
Printer form name for operations at printer workstations.
SYSOUT class for operations at printer workstations.
Name of the tracker subsystem that this event should be reported to. If SUBSYS is blank, the event is broadcast to all HCL Workload Automation for Z subsystems defined on the z/OS system where EQQUSINT is invoked.
Time of the event that is being reported. If the field contains all binary zeros, HCL Workload Automation for Z uses the current time.
Date of the event that is being reported. If the field contains all binary zeros, HCL Workload Automation for Z uses the current date. If n = 0, year is 19YY. If n = 1, year is 20YY.
Is set by EQQUSINT and can have one of the following values:
Normal return. The event has been reported to HCL Workload Automation for Z.
Error return. There is an error in the information that was passed to EQQUSINT, and no event has been reported to HCL Workload Automation for Z.
  1. You must specify valid values for the TYPE and WSNAME parameters and either the JOBNAME or ADID parameters. The remaining values can be initialized to zeros or blanks.
  2. OPDUR is processed only if TYPE has value C.
  3. OPERR is processed only if TYPE has value E.
  4. If you do not provide enough information to uniquely identify the operation and HCL Workload Automation for Z finds more than one operation that matches the criteria you specified, HCL Workload Automation for Z determines the most applicable operation to update. HCL Workload Automation for Z chooses the most applicable operation by investigating these characteristics in the stated order:
    1. The operation has priority 9.
    2. Earliest latest start time.
    3. Priority 8-1.
    4. Input arrival time specified for the operation, or the occurrence input arrival if the operation does not have input arrival specifically defined.
    Therefore, if you define only the WSNAME parameter and HCL Workload Automation for Z determines that there is more than one operation in the current plan for that workstation in status R, A, *, S, I, or E, then the operation with priority 9 is updated. If more than one operation specifies priority 9, then the operation with the earliest latest start time is updated. If latest start is equal, then the operation with the highest priority is updated. If priority is equal, the operation which specifies the earliest input arrival time is updated. If input arrival is also equal, the update is performed on a first-in-first-out basis.