Command syntax

This publication uses the following syntax wherever it describes commands:
Table 1. Command syntax
Syntax convention Description Example
Name of command The first word or set of consecutive characters. conman
Brackets ([ ]) The information enclosed in brackets ([ ]) is optional. Anything not enclosed in brackets must be specified. [-file definition_file]
Braces ({ }) Braces ({ }) identify a set of mutually exclusive options, when one option is required. {-prompts | -prompt prompt_name }
Underscore ( _ ) An underscore (_) connects multiple words in a variable. prompt_name
Vertical bar ( | ) Mutually exclusive options are separated by a vertical bar ( | ).

You can enter one of the options separated by the vertical bar, but you cannot enter multiple options in a single use of the command.

{-prompts | -prompt prompt_name }
Bold Bold text designates literal information that must be entered on the command line exactly as shown. This applies to command names and non-variable options. composer add file_name
Italic Italic text is variable and must be replaced by whatever it represents. In the example to the right, the user would replace file_name with the name of the specific file. file_name
Ellipsis (…) An ellipsis (…) indicates that the previous option can be repeated multiple times with different values. It can be used inside or outside of brackets. [–x file_name]…

An ellipsis outside the brackets indicates that –x file_name is optional and may be repeated as follows: –x file_name1 –x file_name2–x file_name3

[–x file_name…]

An ellipsis inside the brackets indicates that –x file_name is optional, and the file variable can be repeated as follows: –x file_name1 file_name2 file_name3

–x file_name [–x file_name]…

An ellipsis used with this syntax indicates that you must specify –x file_name at least once.