Sample useropts file

This is the sample content of a useropts file:
# HCL Workload Scheduler useropts file defines attributes of this Workstation.
# Attributes for CLI connections
USERNAME    = MDMDBE4    # Username used in the connection
PASSWORD    = "ENCRYPT:YEE7cEZs+HE+mEHCsdNOfg==" # Password used in the connection
#HOST       =            # Master hostname used when attempting a connection.
PROTOCOL    = https      # Protocol used to establish a connection with the Master.
#PROTOCOL   = http       # Protocol used to establish a connection with the Master.
PORT        = 3111       # Protocol port
#PROXY      =
TIMEOUT     = 120        # Timeout in seconds to wait a server response

CLI SSL keystore file                    = "$(install_dir)/ssl/MyTWSKeyRing.kdb"
CLI SSL certificate keystore label       = "client"
CLI SSL keystore pwd                     = "$(install_dir)/ssl/MyTWSKeyRing.sth"
current folder                           = /apps
The SSL configuration options for the command line client depend on the type of SSL implemented - here GSKit is assumed.
Note: The # symbol is used to comment a line.