Configuring log message properties [JobManager.Logging.cclog]

About this task

To configure the logs, edit the [JobManager.Logging.cclog] section in the JobManager.ini file. This procedure requires that you stop and restart the HCL Workload Automation agent

The section containing the log properties is named:
You can change the following properties:
The name of the file where messages are to be logged. the default value is
On Windows operating systems
On UNIX operating systems
The maximum size that the log file can reach. The default is 1024000 bytes.
The maximum number of log files that can be stored. The default is 3.
By default, log files for the agent are coded in UTF-8 format. If you want to produce the log in a different format, add this property and specify the required codepage.
The amount of information to be provided in the logs. The value ranges from 3000 to 7000. Smaller numbers correspond to more detailed logs. The default is 3000.
Exceeding this maximum disk space, log files collected by the first failure data capture mechanism are removed, beginning with the oldest files first.
The directory to which log and trace files collected by the ffdc tool are copied. The default directory is
On Windows operating systems
On UNIX operating systems
Log and trace files (JobManager_message.log and JobManager_trace.log) collected by the ffdc tool located in <TWA_home>\TWS\stdlist\JM. The files are available in the following paths:
On Windows operating systems
  • TWA_home/TWS/stdlist/JM/JobManager_message.log
  • TWA_home/TWS/stdlist/JM/JobManager_trace.log
On UNIX operating systems
  • $(TWA_DATA_DIR)/stdlist/JM/JobManager_message.log
  • $(TWA_DATA_DIR)/stdlist/JM/JobManager_trace.log

When a message is logged (JobManager.ffdc.triggerFilter = JobManager.msgIdFilter) that has an ID that matches the pattern "AWSITA*E" (JobManager.msgIdFilter.msgIds = AWSITA*E), which corresponds to all error messages, then the log and trace files (JobManager.ffdc.filesToCopy = "/opt/HCL/TWA_<TWS_user>/TWS/stdlist/JM/JobManager_message.log" "/opt/HCL/TWA_<TWS_user>/TWS/stdlist/JM/JobManager_trace.log") are copied (JobManager.ffdc.className = ccg_ffdc_filecopy_handler) to the directory JOBMANAGER-FFDC (JobManager.ffdc.baseDir = /opt/HCL/TWA_<TWS_user>/TWS/stdlist/JM/JOBMANAGER-FFDC). If the files copied exceed 10 MB (JobManager.ffdc.maxDiskSpace = 10000000), then the oldest files are removed first (JobManager.ffdc.quotaPolicy = QUOTA_AUTODELETE).

After installing the z-centric agent or dynamic agent on Windows 2012, the JobManager_message.log might not be created. In this case, perform the following procedure:
  1. Stop the agent.
  2. Create a backup copy of JobManager.ini, and edit the original file by changing the row:
    JobManager.loggerhd.className = ccg_multiproc_filehandler
    JobManager.loggerhd.className = ccg_filehandler
  3. Restart the agent.