Running job streams

Depending on their run cycle definition, job streams are taken from the HCL Workload Automation database and automatically inserted into the current production plan.

While the job stream is in the plan, and has not completed, you can still modify any of its components. That is, you can modify the job stream properties, the properties of its jobs, their sequence, the workstation or resources they use, and so on, to satisfy last-minute requirements.

You can also hold, release, or cancel a job stream, as well as change the maximum number of jobs within the job stream that can run concurrently. You can change the priority previously assigned to the job stream and release the job stream from all its dependencies.

Last minute changes to the current production plan include the possibility to submit jobs and job streams that are already defined in the HCL Workload Automation database but were not included in the plan. You can also submit jobs that are being defined ad hoc. These jobs are submitted to the current plan but are not stored in the database.

Starting from version 8.3, you can create and manage multiple instances of the same job stream over a number of days or at different times within the same day. This new feature introduced the possibility to have in the same plan more than one instance of the same job stream with the same name. Each job stream instance is identified by the job stream name, the name of the workstation where it is scheduled to run, and by the start time defined in the preproduction plan.