New keyword for defining the latest start time in job streams

Manage the lastest start time for job streams more efficiently

The jsuntil keyword defines the latest start time of a job stream. It also determines the behavior of the jobs in the job stream when the job stream is approaching its latest start time. Use the jsuntil keyword to avoid that the job stream is either suppressed, canceled, or set to continue (depending on the action specified in the onuntil keyword) if it starts before its latest start time. For example, if you have a job stream with jsuntil set to 10:00 am, and one of the jobs starts running at 9:59 am, the job and its successors run as scheduled.

This keyword is mutually exclusive with the until keyword.

There is also a major difference with between the until and jsuntil keywords:
If you specify the until keyword in your job stream definition
This keyword is evaluated also after the job stream has started. As a result, if the latest start time expires before the job stream completes successfully, the action specified in the related onuntil keyword is performed on the job stream and on its jobs, which have not yet started.
If you specify the jsuntil keyword in your job stream definition
This keyword is evaluated only once, as soon as all dependencies of the job stream are satisfied and the job stream state changes to READY. If the latest start time defined using the jsuntil keyword has not expired at this time, it is no longer evaluated and the job stream runs independently of it. However, to prevent the job stream from remaining in READY state indefinitely, two days after the time specified in the jsuntil keyword has expired, the job stream is suppressed by default.

For more information, see jsuntil .