Logging and tracing in AIDA

How to configure logging and tracing in AIDA

Log files for each AIDA component are located inside the respective container.

Each container, except for UI, supports five logging levels: DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, WARNING, and CRITICAL.

UI container supports three logging levels: ERROR, INFO, and TRACE.

By default, after the installation only informational messages are logged. If you want to change log level, run the following commands.
Docker installation
All containers except for UI
Run docker run --env LOG_LEVEL=log_level -it [container_name]

where log_level can be DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, WARNING, CRITICAL

  1. In the configuration.sh file available in the UI installation package, locate the script ./configuration.sh {option}
  2. Run the script with option:

    --error-log-level to update logging level to ERROR

    --info-log-level to update logging level to INFO

    --trace-log-level to update logging level to TRACE

Kubernetes installation
All containers except for UI
  1. Edit the values.yaml file and set log_level to any of the available options: DEBUG, INFO, ERROR, WARNING, CRITICAL
  2. To update the container configuration, run the command:

    helm upgrade [container_name] [path_of_values.yaml_file]

  1. In the configuration.sh file available in the UI installation package, locate the script ./configuaration.sh {option}
  2. Run the script with option:

    --error-log-level to update logging level to ERROR

    --info-log-level to update logging level to INFO

    --trace-log-level to update logging level to TRACE