Defining the common options

r3batch common configuration options lists additional options that you can specify in either configuration file.
Table 1. r3batch common configuration options
Option Description Default
bdc_job_status_failed (Optional) How HCL Workload Automation sets the completion status of a job running BDC sessions, according to a possible BDC processing failure. The allowed values are:
If at least n BDC sessions failed (where n is an integer greater than 0), HCL Workload Automation sets the job completion status as failed.
If all the BDC sessions failed, HCL Workload Automation sets the job completion status as failed.
When all the BDC sessions complete, regardless of their status, HCL Workload Automation sets the job completion status as successful. This is the default.
Note: This option is ignored if you defined the job by setting the nobdc or nobdcwait option. For details about these options, see Task string to define SAP jobs.
ccms_alert_history (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the product to retrieve all the matching CCMS alerts, included those that were generated before the monitoring process started. The default value is OFF, meaning that the product retrieves only the CCMS alerts that are generated after the monitoring process started.
Note: This option takes effect the first time you start the CCMS alert monitoring. If you initially set it to OFF and later you want to retrieve the alerts generated before the monitoring process started, stop the monitoring and delete the XAname_r3xalmon.cfg file located in TWA_DATA_DIR/methods/r3evmon_cfg on UNIX® and TWA_home\methods\r3evmon_cfg on Windows. In the options file, set ccms_alert_history=on and start the monitoring process again.
commit_dependency (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the product to commit internetwork dependencies after processing.

If you enable this option, internetwork dependencies are committed immediately by default. If you disable or delete this option, the -commit parameter set in the internetwork dependency definition is applied. For details about the -commit parameter, see Parameters to define an SAP internetwork dependency .

enable_appl_rc (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the mapping of the application return code to the HCL Workload Automation return code.
Note: This feature does not modify the exit code of the access method. For more details, refer to the rccondsucc keyword in the job definition documented in HCL Workload Automation: User's Guide and Reference.
evmon_interval (Optional) The polling rate (in seconds) that the r3evmon process applies to monitor the list of events. 60
ifuser (Optional) The ID of the user who runs the access method to retrieve job information. None
idoc_no_history (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the product to retrieve only IDoc data that is generated after the monitoring process started. If you specify OFF, all matching IDocs are retrieved, including those that were generated before the monitoring process started.

When processing this option, r3evmon uses the XAname_r3idocmon.cfg file to retrieve the date and time for the next monitoring loop.

idoc_shallow_result (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the product to retrieve only the most recent matching IDocs.

For example, suppose you set idoc_shallow_result=ON. If the status of an IDoc changes several times during the monitoring interval and the same status, matching an event rule condition, occurs more than once in the sequence of statuses, only the most recent matching IDoc is retrieved. If you specify OFF, all matching IDocs are retrieved.

jobdef (Optional) If enabled, you can use the Dynamic Workload Console to define jobs, in addition to the command line. Specify r3batch to enable the option, and any other value to disable it. r3batch
job_interceptable (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the job launched by r3batch to be intercepted by SAP. If enabled, when r3batch launches a job and the SAP job interception feature is enabled, the job can be intercepted if it matches previously defined criteria. If disabled, the job launched by r3batch cannot be intercepted by SAP. OFF
ljuser (Optional) The ID of the user who runs the access method to launch jobs (LJ tasks) and manage jobs (MJ tasks). None
log_r3syslog (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the access method to write the latest entries from the SAP syslog to its trace file when an RFC returns with a general error. OFF
long_interval (Optional) The maximum interval, in seconds, between status checks. It cannot be greater than 3600 seconds. See also short_interval. 3600
max_n0_counter (Optional) The maximum value of the N0 counter. If the N0 counter reaches the specified value, it starts again from 0. 2^15 - 1
max_name_counter (Optional) The maximum value of the variant name counter. If the name counter reaches the specified value, it starts again from 0. 40
n0_counter_policy (Optional) The N0 counter policy:
The N0 counter is increased once for every step.
The N0 counter is increased once for every job.
name_counter_policy (Optional) The name counter policy:
The name counter is increased once for every step.
The name counter is increased once for every job.
nojobdefs (Optional) Disables (1) or enables (0) the definition of new SAP jobs using the Dynamic Workload Console. If this option is set to 1, you must create the job definitions in the SAP job before creating the HCL Workload Automation job that is going to schedule them. 0
oldcopy (Optional) Enables (1) or disables (0) the access method to use the old way of copying jobs, even though the function module BAPI_XBP_JOB_COPY is present on the SAP system. 0
pchain_recover (Optional) The action taken by HCL Workload Automation when you rerun a job that submits a process chain. The allowed values are:
HCL Workload Automation creates another process chain instance and submits it to be run again.
HCL Workload Automation restarts the original process chain from the failing processes to the end.

For details about rerunning a process chain job, refer to Rerunning a process chain job.

pchain_details (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the display of details about an SAP process chain that you scheduled as an HCL Workload Automation job. OFF
pchainlog_bapi_msg (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the product to retrieve additional messages from the BAPI calls from the SAP Business Warehouse process chains and appends them to the stdlist of HCL Workload Automation. ON
pchainlog_level (Optional) Supplements the option retrieve_pchainlog.
Specifies which level of process chain logs you want to retrieve. Allowed values are:
Only the first level of process chain is logged.
Process chains are logged down to the level of chain you indicate here. For example, if you indicate 2 only the first two levels are logged.
All process chains are logged.
If you omit this option, and leave retrieve_pchainlog set to ON, the default is level 1.
pchainlog_verbosity (Optional) Supplements the option retrieve_pchainlog.
Specifies which type of process chain logs you want to retrieve. Allowed values are:
Logs only the process chains.
In addition to the process chains, logs all failed processes.
Logs all process chains and processes.
Note: This option affects the entire process chain; verbosity cannot be reduced for individual processes.
If you omit this option, and leave retrieve_pchainlog set to ON, the default is complete.
pc_launch_child (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the product to launch child jobs that are in scheduled state.
Note: You can use this option only if you activated the parent-child feature on the SAP system. On the XBP 2.0 or later SAP system, you can activate this feature by using the INITXBP2 ABAP report.
placeholder_abap_step (Optional) If XBP version 2.0 is used, the name of the ABAP report used as the dummy step in the SAP placeholder job that is created to monitor an SAP event defined as external dependency. If this option is not specified, either as global or local option, the default BTCTEST is used.
qos_disable (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the creation of the environment variable QOS_DISABLE on Microsoft Windows systems that use the Quality of Service (QoS) feature, before r3batch opens an RFC connection.

Without this option, because of problems in the implementation of the QoS service, the connection between r3batch and the SAP RFC library does not work.

r3auditlevel (Optional) The audit level for the XBP. A number from 0 (low) to 3 (high). 3
rcmap (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the return code mapping capabilities of Access method for SAP. ON
retrieve_applinfo (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the retrieval and appending of the SAP application log to the stdlist of HCL Workload Automation. OFF
retrieve_ipaklog (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the retrieval and appending of the SAP BW InfoPackage logs to the stdlist of HCL Workload Automation.
Note: The retrieval and appending of SAP BW InfoPackage job logs to the stdlist might be time-consuming for jobs that produce large logs.
retrieve_joblog (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the retrieval and appending of the SAP job logs to the stdlist of HCL Workload Automation.
  1. The retrieval and appending of job logs to the stdlist might be time-consuming for jobs that produce large logs.
  2. If you disable the retrieval of the job logs, you also disable the return code mapping function for the log entries.
  3. This option does not affect the BDC Wait feature.
retrieve_pchainlog (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the retrieval and appending of the SAP BW process chain logs to the stdlist of HCL Workload Automation.
  1. The retrieval and appending of SAP BW process chain logs to the stdlist might be time-consuming for jobs that produce large logs.
  2. If you disable the retrieval of the SAP BW process chain logs, you also disable the return code mapping function for the log entries.
  3. This option on its own retrieves the log of only the first level of a process chain. To retrieve more complete logs, use this option with the pchainlog_level and pchainlog_verbosity options.
retrieve_spoollist (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the retrieval and appending of the SAP job spool lists to the stdlist of HCL Workload Automation.
  1. The retrieval and appending of SAP job spool lists to the stdlist might be time-consuming for jobs that produce large spool lists.
  2. If you disable the retrieval of the SAP job spool lists, you also disable the return code mapping function for the spool list entries.
retry (Optional) The retry count for SAP function module calls. Specify an integer greater than 0. 5
rfc_interval (Optional) The polling rate (in milliseconds) with which r3batch listens for results of RFC requests. The rate cannot exceed 1,000 milliseconds. Consider that the lower the value of the rfc_interval option, the higher the frequency with which RFC request results are collected and, as a consequence, CPU consumption on the r3batch system is high. 10
rfc_open_delay (Optional) The maximum number of seconds to wait between two consecutive calls before opening an RFC connection. 1800
rfc_open_retry (Optional) The retry count for opening an RFC connection to the SAP system. Specify an integer greater than 0 to limit the number of retries, or -1 for an unlimited number of retries. 5
rfc_timeout (Optional) The time (in seconds) that r3batch waits before canceling a non-responding RFC communication. Allowed values are in the range from 0 to 9999; 0 means no timeout. 600
short_interval (Optional) The minimum interval, in seconds, between status checks. It cannot be less than 2 seconds. Setting this option to low values makes the notification of status changes faster, but increases the load on the hosting machine. See also long_interval. 10


(Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the inheritance of priority class.

ON means that the intercepted job inherits the priority class of its progenitor job, if it is higher than its own class; otherwise it keeps its own class. OFF means that the intercepted job keeps its own class, regardless of its progenitor’s class.

Note: By setting this option, the parent-child feature is automatically enabled on the SAP system.


(Optional) Enables (ON) the job interception feature at job throttler startup, or keeps the current setting (OFF).

ON means that when the job throttler starts, it enables the job interception feature on the SAP system. When the job throttler is stopped, the job interception feature is also automatically restored to the setting that was previously configured on the SAP system. OFF means that the job interception feature is kept as it is currently set in the SAP system.



Specifies the BC-XBP interface version to be used when the job throttler starts. Valid values are:
  • 2
  • 3
The default BC-XBP interface version that is used is 2 (version 2.0).
throttling_interval (Optional) The interval (in seconds) between each job throttling run. 5


(Optional) The maximum number of connections (connection pool size) that the job throttler can open to communicate with the SAP system. The minimum value is 3. 5


(Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the release of all intercepted jobs.

ON means that when the job throttler is stopped, it releases all the intercepted jobs. OFF means that when the job throttler is stopped, it does not release the intercepted jobs therefore the jobs remain intercepted, in scheduled state.



(Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the sending of data from job throttling to the SAP CCMS Monitoring Architecture.

ON means that the job throttler sends its status data to CCMS continuously. OFF means that the job throttler does not send its status to CCMS.



(Optional) Rate (in number of runs) at which the job throttler sends its status data to the SAP CCMS monitoring architecture. The minimum value is 1, meaning that the job throttler sends the data at every run. 1
twsmeth_cp (Optional) The code page that r3batch uses to write its output.

This option must be consistent with twsmeth_lang. It can be any of the existing TIS codepages.

The code page used by the HCL Workload Automation workstation that hosts the r3batch access method.
twsmeth_lang (Optional) The language used to report messages.

This option must be consistent with twsmeth_cp.

The language of the locale of the workstation that hosts the r3batch access method.
twsxa_cp (Optional) The encoding used by r3batch to establish RFC connections with SAP systems.
Use this option if r3batch is not Unicode-enabled. Possible values are:
  • 1100
  • 1103
  • 8000
  • 8300
  • 8400
twsxa_lang (Optional) The language used to log in to SAP systems. Specify one of the following (DE, EN, and JA can be set from the Option Editor. The other languages can be set using any text editor):
Brazilian Portuguese
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Note: If you are working with InfoPackages and process chains on operating systems that do not support Unicode, this option must be set.
use_fips (Optional) Enables (ON) or disables (OFF) the FIPS mode of operation for HCL Workload Automation. OFF
utf8cmdline (Optional) Enables (1) or disables (0) the encoding of extended parameters in UTF-8 format. The default value is 0.
Note: If you have both global and local options files and you want to change the default value for utf8cmdline, modify the local options file because this overrides the global options.
variant_delay (Optional) The time, in seconds, that r3batch allows the SAP system to clean up the structures used for communication between r3batch and the SAP system. This option is valid when you launch a job that uses extended variants and requires a copy of a job template. Use this option only when you want to reduce r3batch response time, because it increases the load on the hosting machine. Higher values of variant_delay increase the response time and decrease the load.

Allowed values are in the range from 0 to 3600.



(Optional) Specifies the functional interface used to read report selection screens. Specify one of the following:
To communicate with the SAP system using the HCL Workload Automation custom function module.
To communicate with the SAP system using the XBP 3.0 function module.
xbpversion (Optional) The XBP version used on the target SAP system. Specify an integer value. This value overwrites the XBP version automatically determined during RFC logon.
Note: For details about XBP 3.0 and SAP NetWeaver 2004s with SP9, refer to the SAP Note 977462.
The XBP version determined by r3batch during RFC logon from the SAP system.