Mapping return codes for intercepted jobs

About this task

To set up return code mapping for intercepted jobs, after defining the appropriate return code conditions in the r3batch-joblog.rcm file, do the following:
  1. Create a customized template file named rctemplate.jdf in the following directory:
    The file must contain the following:
    alias;rccondsucc "Success Condition"
    where, the "Success Condition" must match a condition saved in the rcm file.
  2. Modify the XANAME_r3batch.icp file, located in the same path, to refer to the jdf file you created in the previous step as follows:
    client job_mask user_mask rctemplate
    HCL Workload Automation manages the intercepted R/3 job as a docommand job with all the options specified in the customized jdf file. You can check if your intercepted job is correctly submitted by reading the job_interceptor joblog.