Displaying history of a directory (Windows)

About this task

You can display event records for directories.

  • Versions of directory objects in a VOB: creation and deletion of versions
  • Records for attaching and removing annotations: version labels, attributes, and hyperlinks


  1. Click File > Open > Element.
  2. In Selection, enter the path for each element to specify directories whose event records you want to view.
    • Use the drop-down list to select a previously chosen element. For assistance in selecting the path, click the button next to the field.
    • If you enter more than one path, separate each with a space. If a path contains one or more spaces, enclose the path in quotes.
  3. In For each directory in the selection, click Show events for the directory element itself to see events for only a directory element.
  4. Click OK to display the event records in the event log.
  5. To see only those event records on a branch or those records associated with a particular user, filter the display.