Searching event records

About this task

You can search in the event log for event records that match one criterion or multiple criteria.


  1. On Windows systems only, if you have not already done so, select objects to examine.
  2. Click Edit > Find.
    The Find Event window opens.
  3. In the Find Event window, specify at least one criterion for the search.
    1. From one or more of the following lists, select an entry.
      A command that changes the data in the VOB. For example, to search for events that created a branch, select mkbranch.
      On Windows systems, an occurrence of an object type in the event log; for example, a branch.
      Object Kind
      On Linux and the UNIX system, an occurrence of an object type in the event log; for example, a branch.
      The host computers that are displayed in the history of the element.
    2. In one or more of the following fields, type a text string.
      Event ID
      Type the numeric identifier for the event you want to find. If you know only part of the ID, click Use Pattern Matching and right-click in the field to enter special characters to aid in the search.
      Enter a number or part of the version (for example, main\13) that corresponds to the event record you are searching for.
      Type the text string that you want to search for in the event records. For example, to find all elements that have the phrase bug fix in a comment, type bug fix.
      Type a label that is part of the event record that you are searching for. If you know only part of the label, click Use Pattern Matching and right-click in the field to enter special characters to aid in the search.
      Type a space-separated list of attributes that you want to search for.
  4. Optionally, select the following actions to qualify the text string that you entered in Step 3.b:
    • Match Case

      Finds only text that matches the case of the text string you specify.

    • Use Pattern Matching

      Lets you insert special characters in a text string that you specify to form a pattern matching string. Click the desired character position in the field.

      • On Linux and the UNIX system, type the special character.
      • On Windows systems, either right-click and select the character to insert or type the special character.

      For example, if you are searching for a label, and do not know the full text, use pattern matching to qualify the search criterion.

  5. Click Up or Down to indicate the direction of the search in the event log.
  6. Click Find Next and the next occurrence of the text string is selected.
    • If you are searching up and the search comes to the beginning of the event log, a window opens which provides you with the following choices:
      • Stop Find to end the search
      • Wrap to End to continue searching down to the starting point
    • If you are searching down and the search comes to the end of the event log, a window opens to provide the following choices:
      • Stop Find to end the search
      • Wrap to Start to continue searching up to the starting point
    If the search stops and the History Browser has not found all events, you can click Read More Events to continue the search.
  7. Repeat Step 6 until you find the records you want.
  8. To interrupt the search, click Stop Search in the Find Event window.
  9. To close the Find Event window, click Close.