Listing the kind of a derived object

Learn how to list the kind of a derived object.

To display the kind of a derived object, use the cleartool commands ls -l, lsprivate -l -do, or describe -fmt "%[DO_kind]p". The kind can be one of the following values:

The DO was created during an express build and cannot be winked in by other views.
The DO was created during a regular build. Its data container is located in view storage, not in the VOB.
The data container of the DO has been promoted to the VOB by a winkin or view_scrubber -p command. The DO is referenced by only one view.
The data container of the DO has been promoted to the VOB by a HCL VersionVault build tool or a manual winkin or view_scrubber -p command.
  • List, in long form, a particular DO.
    cleartool ls -l util 
    derived object (non-shareable)  util@@01-Sep.10:54.2147483681
  • To list all DOs created in the current view in the \dev VOB, including the DO kind:
    cleartool lsprivate -long -invob \dev -do 
    derived object (unshared)  \dev\file2.txt@@02-Jul.13:51.124
    derived object (unshared)  \dev\file2sub.txt@@02-Jul.13:51.123
  • To list the name and kind of all DOs created in the current view:
    cleartool lsprivate -long -do 
    derived object (shared)  \dev\file2.txt@@02-Jul.13:51.124
    derived object (unshared)  \dev\file2sub.txt@@02-Jul.13:51.123
    derived object (unshared)  \dev\dir1\x.obj@@01-Jul.14:23.186
    derived object (unshared)  \dev\api\bin\adm.exe@@04-Jul.04:01.776