Dynamic View options

Use this dialog box to specify view storage options, text mode options, and the creation of derived objects in a Dynamic view.

For the currently selected Dynamic view, use this dialog box to select a storage location for the view, choose an interop text mode for the view, and to indicate whether or not you want this view to create shareable derived objects.

Controls in the dialog box

The following controls appear in the dialog box:

Control Name Description
Use server storage location To store the view on a remote host, select this option and select one of the available locations from the list.
Note: Dynamic views are intended to run in LAN environments. The use of Dynamic views in WAN environments is not supported.
Use explicit path To store the view locally, select this option and enter the view storage location, or click the Browse button.
Transparent (do not alter file content) Makes no modification in line terminator sequences.
Windows (convert LF to CR/LF pairs) Inserts a <CR> character before every <LF> character when text files are loaded into the view and reverses the operation when text files are checked in to the VOB.
UNIX (convert CR/LF pairs to LF only) Strips the <CR> character from every <CR><LF> sequence when text files are loaded into the view and reverses the operation when text files are checked in to the VOB.
Create shareable derived objects When this option is selected, it enables clearmake and omake builds in this view to create derived objects that other team members can access using the cleartool winkin command.