Interface specification

This is the existing interface specification for Elements_with_Labels.prl:

if (/^-i/) {
   print "description : ";
   print "'Elements with Labels'";
   print "\n";
   print "id : 2003\n";
   print "helpfile :\n";
   print "parameters : ";
   print "LOOKIN ";
   print "LABEL ";
   print "\n";
   print "fields : ";
   print "\"Element Path\"(element_pn, rightclick, sort 1)";
   print "\n";

Note the call to print_element_rightclick() in the middle of the interface specification. The code for this routine is located in \script_tools\common.prl:

sub print_element_rightclick {
   print "rightclick : ";
   print "Properties_of_Element(single) ";
   print "sep ";
   print "Version_Tree(single) ";
   print "History(single) ";
   print "\n";