InteractDT | partitions | partition[n] | Interact | flowchart

These configuration properties define the Unica Interact runtime environment used for test runs of interactive flowcharts.



The name of the Unica Interact server group Unica Campaign uses to execute a test run. This name must match the category name you create under serverGroups.

Default value

No default value defined.


This property is applicable only if you have installed Unica Interact.



Use the dataSource property to identify the physical data source for Unica Campaign to use when performing test runs of interactive flowcharts. This property should match the data source defined by the Campaign > partitions > partitionN > dataSources property for the test run data source defined for Unica Interact design time.

Default value

No default value defined.


This property is applicable only if you have installed Unica Interact.



The eventPatternPrefix property is a string value that is prepended to event pattern names to allow them to be used in expressions in Select or Decision processes within interactive flowcharts.

Note that if you change this value, you must deploy global changes in the interactive channel for this updated configuration to take effect.

Default value



This property is applicable only if you have installed Unica Interact.