Other important loggers

Other important loggers are useful in troubleshooting Asset Picker. Along with spotting warnings and errors, these loggers provide information that is useful from a functional point of view.

The following table lists the other important loggers:
  • Client applications - If root logger level is set to INFO level, the following lines tells you the number of client applications, and which client applications Asset Picker can identify:
    SupportedClientApplications: Found {1} supported client applications.
    SupportedClientApplications: Registered {Offer} as supported client application.
  • CORS - If root logger is set to INFO level, the following lines can provide information about Asset Picker’s support for Cross Origin Resource Sharing:
    RegexCorsConfig: CORS: Enabling CORS for {hcl.com} & its subdomains. Allowed HTTP methods - {[GET, POST]}, allowed headers - {[*]}
    RegexCorsConfig: CORS: Allowed origins set to {[http(s)?://([^\.]+\.)*hcl.com(:[0-9]+)?]}
  • Platform configuration - Content repositories - Setting the root logger level to INFO tells us about the content repositories that are identified by Asset Picker.
    PlatformConfigurationCategoryResolver: Platform configuration: Reading list of entries for path {Affinium|Offer|partitions|partition1|assetPicker|dataSources}...
    PlatformCmsConfigurationReader: Platform configuration: Imported settings for {AEM#119[partition1]}
    PlatformCmsConfigurationReader: Platform configuration: Imported settings for {WCM#119[partition1]}
    PlatformCmsConfigurationReader: Platform configuration: Imported settings for {Bing#119[partition1]} 
  • Service meta information files - The following lines are also logged at INFO level to tell how many service meta information files have been identified by Asset Picker:
    YamlConfigReader: 2 service configuration file(s) found.
    YamlConfigReader: Parsing service configuration file (YAML): {jar:file:/{DEPLOYMEN_LOCATION}/asset-viewer/WEB-INF/lib/aem-integration-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/META-INF/aem-content-services.yml}...
    YamlConfigReader: Parsing service configuration file (YAML): {jar:file:/{DEPLOYMEN_LOCATION}/asset-viewer/WEB-INF/lib/wcm-integration-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/META-INF/wcm-content-services.yml}...
  • Authentication protocols - The following lines, logged at INFO level, confirms the authentication protocol is identified for the given content repository:
    AssetPickerRestTemplate: Setting up {BASIC} authentication for {Offer[partition1].WCM:simple-search} service...