Plugin development overview

Asset Picker facilitates easy integration with new content repositories without having to alter the core Asset Picker framework.

Asset Picker seamlessly integrates with system-specific, independent plugins. Once the plugin is developed and included in the classpath of the application server hosting Asset Picker, the corresponding system can be onboarded in the Unica product suite by updating a few configurations in Unica Platform. For more information, see Unica Asset Picker Administrator's Guide

Asset Picker is shipped with a development kit containing the dependencies, reference projects, and a starter project to quick start the plugin development. Development kit is placed within the AssetPicker/dev-kits directory within Platform home. Two reference projects, named aem-integration and wcm-integration, are available for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and IBM Web Content Manager (WCM) respectively. To write a plugin for new system, we recommend you use the starter project to save writing boilerplate code.