Upgrade prerequisites

Before you upgrade your version of HCL® EMM reports, you must complete specific tasks.

User with ReportsSystem role

If you are upgrading from version 7.x you must configure an HCL EMM user with appropriate permissions to work with reporting. If you are upgrading from 8.x, this user probably exists already.

If you do need to configure this reporting user, see Configuring a user with the ReportsSystem role for instructions.

Upgrade requirements for IBM Cognos® BI

You must upgrade your version of HCL Cognos BI to the version that is supported for the report packs you are installing. See the Environment Support Matrix for more information about the supported HCL Cognos BI version.

For help with this task, see the HCL Cognos BI documentation.

After you upgrade Cognos, complete the Cognos configuration tasks that are described in the installation chapter of this guide.

Back up requirements for Cognos model and report archive

On the IBM Cognos BI system, complete the following tasks:

  • Back up the model subdirectory. That is, locate the application model that is installed by the HCL EMM reports package installers, and copy the entire model subdirectory to create a backup.
  • Use the export deployment specification feature in Cognos Connection to create a backup of the application's reports archive. Export the entire content store.
  • Delete the old models and folders from the Cognos user interface. Do not delete them from the file directory structure or from Cognos Framework Manager..

Additional requirements

You must also complete the following tasks before you upgrade your version of IBM EMM reports:
  1. Generate the SQL to drop tables and run the SQL in product databases
  2. Upgrade reporting schemas on Marketing Platform.
  3. Upgrade reporting templates in Marketing Platform.
  4. For eMessage and Interact, update lookup tables.
  5. For eMessage, create database objects by using the acer_*.sql scripts.
  6. For eMessage, create and run stored procedures.
  7. Upgrade the views or tables in the product databases.
  8. Upgrade the IBM EMM integration components.
The tasks are explained in detail in their own sections.

Additional requirements for eMessage reports

See Prerequisites for eMessage Reports understand additional requirements for eMessage reports.