Upgrading reporting templates in the Marketing Platform

You must upgrade reporting templates in Marketing Platform before you upgrade reports. If you are upgrading reports for Marketing Operations, do not upgrade reporting templates because Marketing Operations does not have reporting schemas.


After you run the report pack installer, complete the following tasks:
  1. Browse to the Unica\productReportsPack\schema directory, locate the templates_sql_load.sql script and run the script in the Marketing Platform system tables database.
  2. Ensure that the Marketing Platform is running.
  3. Log in to HCL® EMM as a user with administrator privileges.
  4. Under Settings > Users, give yourself the ReportsSystem role. Then, log out and log back in.
  5. Campaign only.

    The database schema for adding new campaign attributes was changed in Campaign 8.0.0. Therefore, if the reporting schema customization included additional campaign attributes, complete the following steps:

    1. Use your database management tools to determine the value from each attribute's AttributeID column in the UA_CampAttribute table.
    2. In HCL EMM, select Settings > Configuration and expand Reports > Schemas > Campaign > Campaign Custom Attributes > Columns > Campaign.
    3. Delete the existing custom campaign attributes that were added for this installation, but do not delete the standard custom campaign attributes. (The standard custom campaign attributes were upgraded by the installer.)
    4. Re-create the attributes that you deleted. Enter the ID of the attribute in the Attribute ID field.