Configuring audience level for performance reports and response history

You can customize your Campaign and Interact reporting schemas to include custom data to display in your reports.

About this task

Before you begin, determine the following information:

  • The names of the contact history, detailed contact history, and response history tables for the audience level of interest.
  • The audience key to the contact history and detailed contact history tables. See Audience keys in reporting schemas.

Then, complete the following procedures for each of the appropriate reporting schemas:

  • For Campaign: Offer Performance, Campaign Performance, Campaign Offer Response Breakout, Campaign Offer Contact Status Breakout
  • For Interact: Interact Performance


  1. Select Settings > Configuration and expand Reports > Schemas > ProductName > SchemaName.
  2. In the form on the right, click Edit Settings.
  3. In the Input Tables section, identify the system tables for the audience level and the audience key.
    Note: Remember to use commas to separate column names for a multikey audience key. For more information, see Audience keys in reporting schemas .
  4. Click Save Changes.