New features and changes in version 9.1.2

This section describes the new features and changes introduced in the 9.1.2 version of Marketing Platform. For complete details on new features, see the HCLMarketing Platform 9.1.2 Administrator's Guide.

Security framework API

Marketing Platform provides the security framework for the APIs implemented by IBM EMM products.

The Marketing Platform security framework supports the following two authentication options for accessing protected APIs. You can use either one, depending on your environment.

  • Internal users who are registered with Marketing Platform can be authenticated using their Marketing Platform login credentials to obtain a secure token.
  • External users who are part of a federation that Marketing Platform is set up to use can be authenticated though the Identity Provider server.

See the HCL Marketing Platform Administrator's Guide for additional details.

Dynamic token support in custom dashboard portlets

When you define a custom dashboard portlet, you can now pass pre-defined tokens that are replaced with the values stored in Marketing Platform for the current user when the portlet is invoked.

  • <user_name>
  • <user_first_name>
  • <user_last_name>
  • <user_email>

See the HCL Marketing Platform Administrator's Guide for additional details.

Configuration property added to control the Scheduler in a clustered environment

A new JVM configuration property has been added to disable the HCL® EMM Scheduler in the Marketing Platform JVM when Marketing Platform is deployed in an application server cluster.

In a clustered environment, the various instances of the HCL EMM Scheduler provided by Marketing Platform all try to perform scheduling tasks, which can result in conflicts.

To address this situation, you can use the new JVM level parameter DISABLE_SCHEDULER_CLIENT_ON_CURRENT_NODE with the -D option to disable the Scheduler on all nodes except one. Example:


This example disables the Scheduler on the application server clustered node. If you configure this JVM parameter on all nodes except one, then all scheduled jobs are executed on the application server cluster node which where this parameter is not set.

Note: If the working node (enabled Scheduler client) goes down, no scheduled tasks run.

Page tagging

If page tagging is disabled, the page tagging java script (/js/ntpagetag.js) file is not created. (Enhancement 173856)

Fix for LDAP error

You can now disable LDAP paged search logic by adding the Java option -DLDAP_PAGE_SEARCH_DISABLED=TRUE in WebSphere when Marketing Platform is deployed on WebSphere.

This is applicable only when the following exception is present in the Marketing Platform system log.

FATAL - No matching response control found for paged results - looking for 
'class javax.naming.ldap.PagedResultsResponseControl 

(Enhancement 179082)

Logging improvements

Logging for Scheduler and LDAP events has been improved. (Enhancement 173654)

Fix for password changes

Before allowing users to change their passwords, the system now requires users to insert their current passwords. (Enhancement 177831)

Character support in federated SSO user names

In the federated SSO feature, support for the following two characters in user names was added.

  • Dot (.)
  • The at sign used in email addresses (@)

(Enhancement 184395)