Interact | profile | Audience Levels | [AudienceLevelName] | SQL Template

These configuration properties let you define one or more SQL query templates used by the offersBySQL feature of Interact.



The name you want to assign to this SQL query template. Enter a descriptive name that will be meaningful when you use this SQL template in API calls. Note that if you use a name here that is identical to a name defined in the Interact List process box for an offerBySQL treatment, the SQL in the process box will be used rather than the SQL you enter here.

Default value




Contains the SQL query to be called by this template. The SQL query may contain references to variable names that are part of the visitor's session data (profile). For example, select * from MyOffers where category = ${preferredCategory} would rely on the session containing a variable named preferredCategory.

You should configure the SQL to query the specific offer tables you created during design time for use by this feature. Note that stored procedures are not supported here.

Default value
