Interact | cacheManagement | caches | PatternStateCache

The PatternStateCache category is used to host the states of event patterns and real time offer suppression rules. By default, this cache is configured as a read-through and write-through cache, so that Interact attempts to use the cache first event pattern and offer suppression data. If the requested entry does not exist in the cache, the cache implementation loads it from the data source, through either the JNDI configuration or directly using a JDBC connection.

To use a JNDI connection, Interact connects to an existing data source provider that has been defined through the specified server using the JNDI name, URL, and so on. For a JDBC connection, you must provide a set of JDBC settings that include the JDBC driver class name, database URL, and authentication information.

Note that if you define multiple JNDI and JDBC sources, the first enabled JNDI source is used, and if there is no enabled JNDI sources, the first enabled JDBC source is used.

The PatternStateCache category is required for Interact to work properly.

The PatternStateCache category can also be configured through an external EHCache configuration for settings that are not supported in Interact | cacheManagement | Caches. If you use EHCache, you must ensure that PatternStateCache is configured properly.



The name of the cache manager that handles the Interact pattern state cache. The value you enter here must be one of the cache managers defined in the Interact | cacheManagement | Cache Managers configuration properties, such as EHCache or Extreme Scale.

Default value


Valid Values

Any cache manager defined in the Interact | cacheManagement | Cache Managers configuration property.



The maximum number of event pattern states to store in this cache. When the maximum number of event pattern states has been reached, and data for an additional event pattern state need to be stored, the least-recently used object is deleted.

Default value


Valid Values

Integer greater than 0.



Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, for an event pattern state object to time out in the event pattern state cache. When such a state object has been idling in the cache for timeoutInSecs number of seconds, it may be ejected from the cache based on the least-recently-used rule. Note that the value of this property should be larger than that defined in the sessionTimeoutInSecs property.

Default value


Valid Values

Integer greater than 0.