Producing the Out of Office Users and Delegation Summary

Administrators can produce reports to track who is out of the office, and who the delegates are.


  1. Select Settings > Marketing Operations Settings > Out of Office Users and Delegation Summary.
  2. In the list of Projects/Requests, click to select None, All, or a listed project or request.
    To select several projects and requests, use Shift+click or Ctrl+click.
  3. In the list of Approvals, click to select None, All, or one or more of the listed approvals.
  4. In the list of Users, click to select All or one or more of the listed user names.
  5. Click Search.
    For each selected project, request, and approval, a list of the project team members, request recipients, or approvers who are out of the office displays. The specified delegate and delegation start date also display.
  6. To save the report in a spreadsheet, click Export.

What to do next

For more information about how project owners and participants use out-of-office settings, see the HCLMarketing Operations User's Guide.