Standard offer attributes in Campaign

The following table lists the offer attributes that are delivered with Campaignavailable in Marketing Operations systems that enable offer integration.

Table 1. Standard offer attributes
Attribute Display Name Attribute Internal Name* Form Element TypeAttribute Type
Average Avg. Response Revenue AverageResponseRevenue Text Field - CurrencyMoney
Channel Channel Select Box - StringSingle-Select
Channel Type ChannelType Select Box - StringSingle-Select
Cost Per Offer CostPerOffer Text Field - CurrencyMoney
Creative URL CreativeURL Text Field - StringCreative URL
Effective Date EffectiveDate Text Field - DateDate Select
Expiration Date ExpirationDate Text Field - DateDate Select
Expiration Duration ExpirationDuration Text Field - NumericFloat
Fulfillment Cost FulfillmentCost Text Field - CurrencyMoney
Interaction Point ID UACInteractionPointID Text Field - NumericFloat
Interaction Point UACInteractionPointName Text Field - StringText - Single-Line
Offer Fixed Cost OfferFixedCost Text Field - CurrencyMoney

*In Marketing Operations systems that enable offer integration, attribute internal names are stored as all lowercase text.