Designing attributes

Each item of information that users can enter for a project has a corresponding attribute on a tab in the template.

About this task

To include information in campaign, cell, or offer performance reports, make sure that information is collected by a corresponding attribute. The information is passed to Campaign by a campaign, cell, or offer attribute.

Campaign project templates can include the following attribute categories:


  • For information that is used only in Marketing Operations on a form outside of a grid, use form attributes.
  • For information is used only in Marketing Operations on a form within a grid (including TCS® grids), use grid attributes.
  • For information that is shared with Campaign and that appears on a form outside of a grid, use campaign attributes.
  • For information that is shared with Campaign and that appears on a form within the TCS grid, use cell attributes.
  • For systems that also integrate offers, use offer attributes to collect offer information to share with Campaign.
    Offer attributes are synchronized with Campaign when an offer that uses the attributes is published to Campaign.
  • To view or define shared attributes, choose Settings > Marketing Operations Settings > Template Configuration > Shared Attributes.
    You create all campaign, cell, and offer attributes as shared attributes. You can create form and grid attributes as local if they are relevant to a single form only, or shared if you plan to use them on multiple forms.
    Note: Standard, default attributes cannot be edited, and are not listed on the Shared Attributes page. For example, default cell attributes appear in all Target Cell Spreadsheets, but are not listed on the Shared Attributes page.