Work and non-work time settings

By using the Schedule Through indicator on the workflow, you have many options for scheduling tasks. You can schedule tasks in any of the following ways.

Table 1. Options for scheduling tasks
Flags Behavior
Bus. (Business)

Non-work time and weekends are excluded from task scheduling.

Note: This option is the default setting for all tasks.
Wkd. (Weekends) The task is scheduled to include weekends, but not system-wide non-work time.
Off. (Days off) Weekends are excluded from task scheduling, but work is expected to be done during other non-work time.
All (All calendar days) The task is scheduled to include all days.
Note: The Schedule Through column is a planning and targeting tool; it should not be altered after actual dates and times are logged on a task. Doing so can overwrite the actual dates and times.