Scheduling work time

HCL® Marketing Operations offers the following settings to help manage and allocate resources effectively.

  • Specify non-work time: allows your organization to define a set of dates that, by default, are not included when the system calculates task dates and durations.
  • Include weekends in work time: by default, weekends are not included when calculating task dates and durations. However, you can override the default to schedule certain tasks through weekends.

By default, tasks do not include weekends or non-work dates when calculating their start or end dates.

To view a list of defined non-work dates, click Non-working Business Days from the Administration page.

Note: When viewing the HCL Marketing Operations calendar, any day specified as non-work time is indicated by a gray X in the background. In timeline view, non-work time appears in a gray-shaded column. Additionally, the name of the non-work time (for example, Labor Day) displays when you point to the date.