Assets advanced search page

When you click Advanced Search on a digital asset list page, the system displays a page with the following fields.

Table 1. Advanced Search options for digital assets
Field Description
Asset Name Allows you to search in theAsset Name field of all existing assets. HCL® Marketing Operations searches for all asset names that contain the text string you enter. You can use the following standard wildcards.
  • * - to search for any string
  • ? - to search for any character.


Allows you to choose a Boolean operator.
  • AND: to return items containing all the words in the Asset Name field.
  • OR: to return items containing any of the words in the Asset Name field.
Asset Code Allows you to search in the Asset Code field of all existing assets. HCL Marketing Operations searches for all codes that contain the string you enter.
Description Allows you to search for text in the Description field of all the existing assets. HCL Marketing Operations searches all the description fields for the characters you enter.
Status Allows you to select any or all of the statuses to search; Draft, Finalized, or Locked.
Expires Before Allows you to specify a date. HCL Marketing Operations searches for all assets with expiration dates on or before the specified date.
Folder Name Allows you to enter part or all of a folder name to search. HCL Marketing Operations searches for all folder names that contain the text string entered and searches for assets in that folder.
Keywords Allows you to search in the Keywords field of all existing assets. HCL Marketing Operations searches for any of the keywords that contain the text string you enter.
Owners Allows you to select one or more owners to search for assets belonging to the selected owner(s).
Version Name Allows you to search in the Version Name field of all existing assets. HCL Marketing Operations searches for all versions that contain the text string you enter.
Usage Guidelines Allows you to search in the Usage Guidelines field of all existing assets. HCL Marketing Operations searches for all usage guidelines that contain the text string you enter.