Fixed defects in integrated systems

This table contains fixed defects in HCL® Marketing Operations systems that are integrated with Campaign in version 9.1.0.

Issue ID Description
5468 In an advanced search, if a user selects an offer template that does not include values for IBM Digital Recommendations settings, those attributes display in the search results.
8053 An exception error occurs when users who have Chinese set as their locale attempt to publish a target cell spreadsheet.
8437 If edits are made to the Coremetrics URL or Coremetrics Client IDs for the template in an offer template after offer instances exist, no warning displays when users work with one of the offer instances.
DEF061337 / DOC00595 In a saved search for offers, you can navigate to the directory level and then set the resulting page as the home page. However, each time you log in, the home page displays search results in the root directory, rather than in the specific subdirectory selected.
DEF061838 If you create an offer template that includes standard offer attributes and you provide an Effective Date and an Expiration Date, Marketing Operations does not verify that the Effective Date is before the Expiration Date.
DEF062944 If a network or other issue interrupts the import of offer data and metadata from Campaign to Marketing Operations, you can begin the import process again. However, if the failure occurred during the import of offer folders, the error message "FOLDER_WITH_SAME_NAME_ALREADY_PRESENT" displays.
DEF063702 This issue affects integrated Marketing Operations-Campaign systems that enabled offer integration in version 8.5. After the upgrade to 8.6, publishing a template with channel and channel type attributes deletes all values that exist in Campaign for those attributes from the database attribute table. After such an import occurs, you must manually add the deleted values back: in Campaign use the Attribute Settings link in the Admin Section, or use the Form Editor in Marketing Operations and republish.