Responding to team requests as a team manager

When someone submits a request to a team you manage, you might assign a team member to the request. The assigned team member becomes the owner of the resulting project.


  1. Select Operations > Projects.
  2. Respond to team requests in either of the following ways:
    • Select a single project and click the Assign Team Request icon (Stack of pages with question marks image).
    • Click the Actions icon (Folder image) and select All my teams project requests. From this view, you can respond to one or multiple project requests by selecting the requests you want to assign and clicking the Assign Team Request icon (Stack of pages with question marks image).
    Note: You can respond only to team requests for which you have the proper authorization. Authorization depends on team membership and routing options.
  3. In the dialog box, assign the request or requests to the appropriate team members.
  4. Optional: Enter comments.