Creative URL offer attribute

A "Creative URL" is a link to a digital asset, such as a product logo, brand image, marketing research document, or document template. When an offer template includes the system-supplied Creative URL offer attribute, users select a digital asset from the Marketing Operations asset libraries to include in each offer.

The Creative URL offer attribute is a system-supplied, shared attribute with the following characteristics.

  • When administrators work with form definitions in Marketing Operations, they can import the shared Creative URL attribute as parameterized, static, or hidden. If Creative URL is parameterized, an asset value is required in the form definition and corresponding offer instances.
  • The Creative URL attribute has its own attribute type. In the user interface, the Creative URL attribute type presents a field and associated Select button. Users click Select to choose an existing asset or to add an asset. The asset name displays in the associated field.
  • When administrators export or import a form or an offer template, both the source and target systems must be running the same version of Marketing Operations. The export and import files use an internal field name of digitalasset for the Creative URL attribute.
  • When administrators set up customized alerts, the Creative URL attribute can be included as a variable. The message text displays the asset name.
  • Users can include columns for the Creative URL attribute on the Operations > Offers list page.
  • On the Operations > Offers list page, users can use the Creative URL attribute to search for offers. The search uses the asset name.
  • When users create a smart offer list, they can include the Creative URL attribute in its conditions. The condition uses the asset name to return results.