Effects of deleting links between plans, programs, and projects

In general, removing the link between a parent object and a child object affects the budgets of both objects in the following ways.

  • The parent object no longer allocates money to the child object.
  • The expenses for the child no longer count against the parent.
  • Funds allocated from the parent remain with the child, but have no source. In other words, the child object still accounts for having the money, but the parent object no longer accounts for giving it.

For example, removing the link between a program and a plan affects the budgets of both objects in the following ways.

  • The plan no longer allocates money to the program, so the budget for the corresponding program area is decreased accordingly.
  • The expenses for the program no longer count against the plan.
  • The program still accounts for funds formerly allocated from the plan, so these funds either need to be removed from the program or funded from another source.