Filters on the My Tasks page

By default, the My Tasks page displays all of your tasks, for all projects and requests.

You can filter the list of tasks that are displayed by clicking the Actions icon (Folder image) at the top of the page.

This table describes the available filters.

Table 1. Task Filters
Filter Description
All My Teams tasks Lists the tasks that are assigned to all teams of which you are a member.
All My Teams Unassigned Tasks Lists the tasks that are assigned to a team of which you are a member but that are not yet assigned to an individual.
All Tasks Lists all tasks in the system.
My Active Tasks Lists your assigned tasks for all projects that are currently active (started but not yet completed).
My Completed Tasks Lists tasks that are assigned to you that are marked as completed.
My Future Milestones Lists tasks where all the following criteria are met.
  • The task has a milestone flag specified.
  • The task is assigned to you.
  • The task is not completed or skipped.
My Milestones Lists all milestones in tasks that are assigned to you.
My Recent Tasks Lists all upcoming and in progress tasks that meet the following criteria.
  • The task is assigned to you.
  • The task is not completed or skipped.
  • The task has a start or end date that falls within the past 14 days.
My Pending Approvals Lists all the approval tasks that are waiting for your response.
My Tasks Lists all assigned tasks. This list is the default view when you select Operations > Tasks.
My Upcoming Tasks Lists tasks that are assigned to you that are scheduled to end within the next 14 days.