Renaming a menu or an item on a menu

You can rename a menu or an item on a menu by modifying the sysmenu.xml file.


  1. Open the sysmenu.xml file.
  2. Find the <menugroup> element for the menu you want to rename or the <menuitem> element for the menu item you want to rename.
  3. Do one of the following options:
    1. If the element has a <display> child element, change the value of the <display> element to the text you want to display.
    2. If the element does not have a <display> child element, create a <display> child element whose value is the text you want to display.
  4. Save and close the sysmenu.xml file.
  5. Restart the Marketing Operations application server.
  6. Click Settings > Marketing Operations Settings > Synchronize Menus.