Account owners

In your organization, account owners are typically the mid- to high-level marketing managers who are responsible for managing the budget for a particular business area.

In particular, they are responsible for tracking cash flows and expenditures versus budgets to ensure that their business area is not overdrawn.

The responsibilities of an HCL® Marketing Operations account owner include:

  • Monitoring account levels and status to ensure that they are not forecasted to be overdrawn and that balances remain positive. Account owners can click Financials > Accounts to review account information, and use a combination of alerts, views, and reports to monitor account activity.
  • Selecting the account for the budget line items of a project or program. On the project or program Budget tab, the Source Account column for line items stores this information.
  • Selecting the account for invoice line items. On the invoice Summary tab, the Source Account column for line items stores this information.
  • Communicating and transferring account activity details back to corporate accounting personnel and systems.

To separate accounting functions from marketing functions, give account owners the PlanUserRole in Marketing Operations. Users with this role cannot create or fund accounts, but when they are designated as account owners they can view data for their accounts and select them for budgets and invoices.